Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Everything you hear may not be paranormal

Thought I had something the other day.

I was listening to a recording of a preliminary home investigation before I traded out recorders with the home owner. About 38 minutes in to the recording I could hear music. It lasted about two minutes. The melody sounded like it was from the late 50s, early 60s, when music was just starting to switch from big band and swing into rock.

I didn't remember any music playing or a TV on when we were there and called the home owner to confirm. She agreed with me. I didn't tell here why I called.

Next, I turned off the radio at the office, even though it was a totally different style of music. I walked to the front of the building to see if any music was playing in the other office...there was none.

I listened again. Still at the 38 second mark, the music was there. I asked a co-worker to listen to make sure I wasn't crazy. She could hear it also. I got a little excited at the possible find ... until I talked to Don, the founder of our group.

He had to confess that he showed the home owner a video another member had made of our trip to the Myrtles Plantation in November. Ron had used the music I heard as a background for the film.

Debunked! Darn it!

... but it shows how sensitive the tape recorder is, because they were in another room when he showed her the flick.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Development

I just found out that one of the other investigators picked up an EVP the other night that sounds like a child's voice saying Adam. I personally haven't heard it yet, but find that very interesting since that is the only name that kept popping up on the puck. She said there were a few other good EVPs on her recorder.

The puck will be used at a different location this weekend. It will be interesting to see if the word list stays the same or is completely different.

She had also left her recorder in a different location than mine, but also has what sounds like someone walking up.

Curious, but also exciting if it proves EVP to back up what the puck was talking about.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Round Three

I went back to the cemetery with the other three and brought the Paranormal Puck. We went midnight to 3 a.m.

The puck kept to the same list of words again at the cemetery; Adam, soldier, gate, 5, kid, plus it seemed to add the word 'him' and cremate came up a lot more.

I got some strange noise repeatedly on the recorder near the laptop while we were on the other side of the cemetery. It sounded like someone walked up, then it kept sounding like pages turning or cards shuffling.

Flag was blowing on one grave when there was no breeze.

JadedAngel said she got some interesting EVPs. I'll let you know more when I find out.

The penny in the flashlight is unusual, there appears to be no way to get it in or out. It covers the lens so it would block all the light. It is a curiosity.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Interesting Development

Check this out! Interesting coincidence???

Adam happens to be the name of the brother of one of the investigators that stayed late last week and went back the next night, plus...the penny that turned up in the flashlight was the same year that Adam was born.

It was her mother that made the connection later in the week.

Hmmm... might be stretching a bit... might not.

Adam's birthday happens to be this Saturday, so I am going back with them and we are bringing the puck.

I promise I won't forget to use the K2 and Voice recorder.

Stay tuned!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cold fusion

I'm really disappointed with myself about last Saturday. I had my digital voice recorder and my K2 meter in my pocket when I brought the laptop and paranormal puck into the cemetery to setup.
It was so cold, my fingers kept hitting the wrong keys. I could hardly type.

With all that, I never took out the other two devices and set them up. Who knows what I might have gotten if I hadn't been so forgetful.

Some ghost hunter I am!

I just heard that a trio of investigators that stayed after the rest of us froze out went back Sunday. I need to check with them to see what went on.

I've heard something about an LED flashlight going out and upon inspection, there was a penny in it and the batteries were fused together. Hmmm, will be interesting to see. Clearly, that location needs continued study.

I'll give more details when I get them.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

We found a cold spot!

Cold spots are often thought to be a sign of paranormal activity because it is thought that spirits draw on the energy around them to manifest and it causes the temperature of the surrounding area to drop.

Last night it was in the 30s during our investigation and one of the investigators popped up with, "I found a cold spot!" That made everyone chuckle as we were all in multi-layers of clothing trying unsuccessfully to stay warm. It was a shame the cold cut the investigation short for most of us. But there were a couple of die-hards that stuck it out longer...I was not one of them! I'll have to check in later to see how that went.

The puck could be promising. Even though there were some words that didn't fit, there were several that kept popping up over and over. When asked who are you it said, "kid," followed by "scared." Other words that continually popped up were: soldier (There was a flag on the grave directly in front of where we were set up.), draw, prayer and gate. The name Adam was the only one that came up, but it came up repeatedly; along with the only number mentioned, 5.

The fact that a reference to draw kept coming up, is interesting because this cemetery previously produced an EVP that said, "find me a brush," in a kid's voice plus, the smell of paint in an area of the cemetery that had several children's graves, which was to my left.

Last night, several investigators kept hearing something that sounded like a rusty, old gate, but there was none visible. There again, another of the words that popped up repeatedly.

It was a clear night with a full moon that made the night brighter, the higher it rose. The cemetery was illuminated almost to the point of not needing a flashlight by the time we left.

The cemetery and the puck warrants further investigation...during warmer weather!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

It's been kind of fun, trying out different things to put on my blog page. I have included a link to the Texas Society of Paranormal Investigators, plus I added news links below that should come up with paranormal news articles from around the web at the bottom of the page.

I'm looking forward to the investigation next weekend, because it is at a place I have never been, but apparently has been very active every time a group has gone to this cemetery.

New equipment will be tried out.

The Paranormal Puck is an item most of you probably haven't heard of as yet. It, along with the ovilus is equipment that was recently invented as a joke. The inventor was asked if he could make something that would speak words. It was a piece of cake for him. The equipment takes the emf readings and determines a number. Each number corresponds to a word on a predetermined list. 512 on the ovilus and over 1000 on the puck.
The joke was on him as the instruments started saying words that were not programmed into it.

It will be interesting to see what happens in a known active location.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

What better way to kick off the new year than to chronicle my adventures in ghost hunting!

Sure, alot of people would never admit to being a ghost hunter, for thought of being a kook. But, they sure tend to read the stories and watch the TV shows. Besides, anybody that really knows me, knows that I am not the regular, everyday, conventional type person anyway, just ask my family.

I do not come from a place of scepticism, though I have yet to come face to face with a ghost, but there's always hope.

The reason I am not a sceptic is because of my sister, Joy, who had visitations from the other side from an early age. She was always a little scared of it growing up...and I was always jealous.

Because of that, I have always viewed death a little differently than most. I see it as walking through a door into another room. It comes in handy when you have many deaths in the family. I don't seem to go through the same grieving process as most, because I know they are not really gone. Anyway, more about that later.

Come with me on what will be a fun and often wacky adventure as I join the Texas Society of Paranormal Investigators, delving into attempts to capture proof of what lies on the other side.

I've been honing my skills with them the last six months or so. Captured EVPs (electromagnetic voice phenomenon) and a few other interesting things will be shared.

There are lots of investigations and activities coming up, including a convention in Shreveport at the end of February. We will be going back to the Myrtles Plantation in May and have a few other trips in the works.

Stay tuned!