Sunday, January 11, 2009

We found a cold spot!

Cold spots are often thought to be a sign of paranormal activity because it is thought that spirits draw on the energy around them to manifest and it causes the temperature of the surrounding area to drop.

Last night it was in the 30s during our investigation and one of the investigators popped up with, "I found a cold spot!" That made everyone chuckle as we were all in multi-layers of clothing trying unsuccessfully to stay warm. It was a shame the cold cut the investigation short for most of us. But there were a couple of die-hards that stuck it out longer...I was not one of them! I'll have to check in later to see how that went.

The puck could be promising. Even though there were some words that didn't fit, there were several that kept popping up over and over. When asked who are you it said, "kid," followed by "scared." Other words that continually popped up were: soldier (There was a flag on the grave directly in front of where we were set up.), draw, prayer and gate. The name Adam was the only one that came up, but it came up repeatedly; along with the only number mentioned, 5.

The fact that a reference to draw kept coming up, is interesting because this cemetery previously produced an EVP that said, "find me a brush," in a kid's voice plus, the smell of paint in an area of the cemetery that had several children's graves, which was to my left.

Last night, several investigators kept hearing something that sounded like a rusty, old gate, but there was none visible. There again, another of the words that popped up repeatedly.

It was a clear night with a full moon that made the night brighter, the higher it rose. The cemetery was illuminated almost to the point of not needing a flashlight by the time we left.

The cemetery and the puck warrants further investigation...during warmer weather!

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